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10 of the best Pico8 games out there


One Room Dungeon by Trasevol Dog

Pico-8 One Room Dungeon
One Room Dungeon Gameplay

One Room Dungeon, a Ludum Dare 37 submission, has you running around a series of rooms (arms flailing) and activating white tiles. Once activated the white tiles then change color.

Once all of the tiles are turned, the room around you starts to shake, and you can bash your character straight into any of the four walls to shift to a different room and change all of the tiles within it. As you run through room after room, monsters and bombs will start appearing, as well as special tiles to mess you up. These monsters will chip away at your health if they touch you, so be on the look-out for health tiles to slide over. The rooms will increase in both challenge and intensity as you play this one of a kind dungeon crawler!

1 Comment
  1. Not sayin says

    How dare you disclude slipways

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