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Top 12 Best Indie RPGs on PC


Legrand Legacy

For a lot of people, the RPG genre starts and ends with jRPGs. That’s understandable, as the Playstation-era saw jRPG franchises rocket into popularity in the West, and that console generation sent reverberations throughout the industry for years. Legrand Legacy takes heavy influence from RPG series which thrived during that era.

Featuring a densely-packed fantasy story and a QTE-powered combat system, Legrand Legacy has you go from commanding a single fighter at the start to heading up a massive army. The scope is massive, and, in many ways, that makes it feel like it fits right in with those PS1-era jRPGs which had you going from weak pleb through to the world’s only hope.

Is Legrand Legacy the only jRPG in our list of the best indie RPGs on PC? You’ll have to read on.

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