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Top 12 Best Indie RPGs on PC


West of Loathing

Last, but definitely not least comes West of Loathing. It’s part adventure and part RPG, leaning heavily on jRPG tropes. That said don’t let it’s genre define it, West of Loathing is probably one of the most fun games that I’ve played in ages. The creators, who are best known for also making the exceptional Kingdom of Loathing, have brought their iconic humour (and art style) beyond the webpage and, frankly, have done a brilliant job of it.

Almost everything that can be made into a joke is made into a joke, and it’s sure to make even the most stubborn player smile. Oh, and sure, the gameplay itself is pretty great too, especially if you’ve fond memories of jRPG classics. A well-deserved entry in our list of the best indie RPGs on PC.

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