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Unknown Fate Second Teaser Revealed

1C Company have pushed out a second teaser for Unknown Fate.

MarsLit Games shows off the atmosphere of the game in their latest teaser, showing off more of the enigmatic world that the protagonist, Richard finds himself in, a world populated with creatures, artifacts, and locations of an abstract nature. Richard finds himself trying to find the link between his unknown fate, and the real world.

The teaser shows some great looks at the distinct visual styles MarsLit Games have decided to go with, showing some ethereal glows, magical particles, and some hauntingly scary creatures. The world looks fairly dark and encased at night, yet still manages to make the world come alive with these surreal elements.

The teaser was released on the 8th December 2016, and the game is expected to be released in Q3 of 2017. It will be available on Xbox One, PS4, Mac, and PC with VR support.

Source: Press Release

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