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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Cinematic and Gameplay Trailers Show off Some New Characters in Action

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite was present at this years E3, with the release of not only a cinematic trailer, but also an extended gameplay video.

Announced back in December of last year with a quick tease at Sony’s Playstation Experience, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is the next outing for the long-running fighting series.

The cinematic trailer, which you can find below, gives us a fair bit of story exposition, including a look inside the Avenger’s HQ – people following the game will remember the -frankly, strange- decision to omit all of the X-Men characters from the Marvel selection, instead focusing on the current focus of the cinematic universe; The Avengers & Guardians of the Galaxy.

Meanwhile a few Capcom favourites appear in Chris Redfield, Chun-Li, Strider Hiryu and Morrigan will return to fight in that corner.

The real USP of the title is the Infinity stones; with players selecting from one of six stones to gain an additional, unique ability.

There was also a three minute gameplay trailer shown off at the event which showed off a decent selection of the game’s roster fighting against one-another.

Marvel vs. Capcom will be arriving on PS4, PC, and Xbox One on September the 19th.

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