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New Fumiko Footage Highlights the Curious Journey Players Must Take to Save the Cyberworld


Fumiko is undoubtably a favourite here on B3, whenever we’re at our best and most productive the developer. Sylvius “Odrez” Fischer, also seems to be releasing updates and tweaks for the game.

In this, undoubtedly one of the busiest weeks of The Gamer’s Calendar -I should trademark that- the developer released two gameplay trailers that total just over eight minutes. Both showcase various areas of the digital space that the game takes place in, but there’s a stark, rural vs urban difference between the two.

It’s hard to not see the games as an amazing expression of both minimalism and abstract art – lacking elements key to our existence like the ground, the Earth, and a solid concept of logical space; our strange penchant for squares and symmetry run through every moment of our lives, but not here.

The Hyberion and Hyperworlds trailer however shows what should be a busy district that has been left devoid of people – billboards and noticeboards tick away attempting to sell and inform, but the almost Incognisable pathways only seem to host the shadows of former residents.

Those interested in the game wouldn’t suffer reading the in-depth review written by our own Larrisa earlier on the year. While existing fans (Hello! It is good isn’t it!?) might learn something new from our interview with the creator from earlier in the year.

Fumiko is available now on Steam.

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