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Greenlight Highlight | Trainotopia

trainotopia-logoTitle: Trainotopia
Developer: Suricate Games Studio
[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

Strategy Management

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Run your own train network, become the superior network by extending your railroads and investing in the competition, all with a wonderful model-like aesthetic.

What do we like most about it?

Isn’t the model-train art style absolutely wonderful? I think I could just watch AI play a match of that quite happily with only camera controls to entertain me.

That said, the idea of the game’s campaign and scenarios; of extending your own network while managing investment, engines, and contracts sounds like an extremely well thought out management title; and so I’m very interested to see how it all comes together.

When’s it due?

Trainotopia is predicted to launch in the second quarter of next year, however at time of writing the game is not doing very well on Kickstarter and this may delay the project. The game is currently listed as launching on Windows PC.

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