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Huge Update For Stellar Overload, Adds New Planet & Tools

Stellar Overload has recieved a new update that brings a new planet for players to explore, new tools, and challenges.

Cubical Drift pushed a fairly huge update for their polygonal crafting title, Stellar Overload. The update brings various big changes to the title, making the game even bigger,

Players are now able to share their maps, dungeons, and creations with the community, and with the addition of some new systems to the crafting choices, there will be plenty of creations to create. These new systems brings electricity to the title, with cables switches, lasers, and engines. This will allow players to create features such as elevators, monorails, doors, and more.

The biggest change with the update is of course, the introduction to a new planet to explore. Novo Ares is the name of this planet, and it will bring huge canyon like landscapes to explore, with a new dungeon called, Merx to traverse through the depths, and with the new Hook Sword tool, players can navigate around the terrain by using it as a hook shot function, pulling themselves up hard to reach areas.

Stellar Overload is available for PC, Mac, and Linux, and we have coverage on the title which you can read here.

Source: Press Release

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