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Peregrin Announced, Arriving on PC and Consoles This Year

Peregrin is arriving this year it has been announced and will be coming to consoles and PC.

The story driven top-down puzzle game by Domino Digital Ltd, and being published by Green Man Gaming is going to be arriving this year it has been announced, and has its sights set on PC and consoles. It’ll take players on a journey through a wasteland in a world set years after God’s sought revenge on Earth, with a tribe member, Abi trying to save the rest of her tribe as she overcomes challenges and learns more about the old world before it became what it now is.

This title shall be the first game that Green Man Gaming Publishing are going to be bringing to console, and will help them begin expanding as a games publisher. Peregrin will bring an immersive narrative along with an art style inspired by “canonical sci-fi artists” such as John Harris, and Moebius. It’ll also have a creature possession mechanic allowing you to take control of various creatures and use them to your advantage, and the title will span five chapters with over sixty scenes.

“We’re very excited to be releasing Peregrin this year. We’ve put a lot of love and hard work into this game and we can’t wait for players to experience Abi’s story as she crosses the wasteland to save her tribe” Dan Walters (Founder, Domino Digital)

The game will come with controller support and will be arriving on PC and other platforms are yet to be announced. Expect to see it at some point this year.

Source: Press Release

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