Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Dungeon of Zaar

dungeon-of-zaar-logoTitle: Dungeon of Zaar
Developer: Kurb
[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

Turn Based Strategy RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Explore the Dungeon of Zaar to grab the rarest loot, then pit your gang of mercenaries against teams from around the world, or delve deeper into this beautiful TBS that focuses on stats and placement over dice rolls.

What do we like most about it?

Dungeon of Zaar seems to be have been built with scale, and masses of content in mind from the very earliest concept stages; with fifteen planned unit types, a custom hero character, and a massive variety of rooms and lore, the game is simply vast.

Also interesting is the fact that all of the items and powerups in the game are -and it would have seemed crazy to say this five years ago- not purchasable using real world currency; they are all drops in game.

If you combine all of these options and variables you’re left with a vast amount of tactical styles and options. Even more interesting however is the fact that the character stats are set, there is no trade off against die rolls and probabilities – meaning a solid plan can be vastly more powerful than brute strength.

DoZ was already greenlit at time of writing, and it’s Kickstarter is plodding along well – if this is something that interests you then why not give it a look?

When’s it due?

Dungeon of Zaar is currently planned for a June 2017 release date, when it launches it will do so for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux.

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