Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Baron Galaxy

baron-galaxy-logoTitle: Baron Galaxy
Developer: Implosive Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

2D run and gun

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A run and gun game in the style of Gunstar Heroes or Metal Slug where you fight back alien scum through a variety of levels gambling reward with difficulty at your whim.

What do we like most about it?

The most interesting thing about the game is the slider before each level which allows you to ramp up the difficulty on the relevant world (which is procedurally generated)  in order to score better rewards, if you can pull it off.

There appears to be quite a few different world, and terrain, types as well as the starting hints at a four-player co-operative mode. Outside of this however, the games’ citing of classics of Contra, Metal Slug, and Gunstar Heroes as inspiration is practically unneeded, as the game bleeds tribute to them in it’s animation and enemy forms.

Baron Galaxy is, in some ways, already quite far through development, the levels that we’ve seen so far seem well balanced and complete, but in other ways it’s still got a lot of stuff that needs tweaking and finishing. It’ll be very cool to see the boss battles, and more extreme levels that are going to be in the finished version as and when they get completed.

When’s it due?

Baron Galaxy doesn’t currently have an estimated release date, despite looking to be in a very good state already. It’s currently listed for release on Windows PC when it does launch.

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