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Greenlight Highlight | The Thin Silence

Title: The Thin Silence
Developer: Two PM
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

2D Exploration Adventure

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

You play Ezra as he trys to find his way back home to his family through ruins and awkward terrain. Deliberately built as a journey, The Thin Silence prides itself on not repeating traps, puzzles or gimmicks.

What do we like most about it?

I like this for its spirit of adventure, the fact that the game constantly urges you forward as the character; they don’t want to look back and you shouldn’t have to either. It’s about a journey through strange locales that urge you forward, ever pushing towards the end. Those who have played and enjoyed Qora, or Kentucky Route Zero, will be able to relate – those that haven’t but who have watched adventure films like Indiana Jones, The Mummy, Big Trouble in Little China, Marathon Man, et cetera, will also understand the momentum that moves the character forward until the final resolution.

That element pulling the protagonist is an amazing mechanic when it’s used properly in a game, and by that I mean there needs to be a lot of passive storytelling through the ruins, and literal storytelling to drive you down the single route you must travel. From what has been shown so far it would appear that the literal element is handled through messages, or narration, from the main character’s niece, which could well be the ticket to a good emotional pull.

And anyway, doesn’t it look lovely?

When’s it due?

The Thin Silence is currently pre-alpha, with no specific release date on the horizon as of yet. When it does launch however it is confirmed to be doing so for Windows PC & Mac.

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