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Games With Gold January 2017 Revealed

Xbox have put out a montage video showing the next four titles that will be available for free if you’re an Xbox Gold member.

You’ll be able to get your hands on Rayman Origins, a game highly praised by our EiC Dann. You’ll also be able to grab your hands on World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap and Killer Instinct: Season 2 Ultra Edition, and The Cave.

World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap is a tower defence game featuring RPG elements, and has several game modes, such as PvP, Single Player and Cooperative Campaign. This will be available from the 1st January 2017 until the end of the month.

Killer Instinct: Season 2 Ultra Edition, a cell shaded type fighter game, featuring some fancy, over the top fighting moves and will be available from the 16th January until the 15th February.

The Cave is a game by Monkey Island creator, Ron Gilbert and Double Fine Productions and has a wide character selection with personalities, all end up exploring various locations. It will be available from the 1st January until the 15th.

Rayman Origins, a stylistic platformer with a brilliant story, this one is great fun, and will be available 16th January until the end of the month.

A nice line up, with myself personally looking forward to Rayman Origins, and The Cave. Anything in there that you’re excited about?

Source: Xbox YouTube

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  1. Daniel Jones says

    Terrible selection but I guess January sucks in general anyway so might as well keep the theme.

    1. B3NB4IL says

      Rayman is great, certainly looking forward to that, and The Cave I’ve never really seen before, but if it’s by the Monkey Island legend, then I have to try it!

      1. Dann Sullivan says

        Rayman Origins was great, but I think it’s been given out on the 360 half a dozen times now. The Cave is quite interesting, a puzzle-platformer which -like Maniac Mansion- is completeable no matter the combination of ‘heroes’ you take.

        I can’t say too much about the Xbox One titles though :/

        1. Stax Legend says

          Killer Instinct Season 2 is impossible to buy on it’s own, and is crossbuy on Win10.

        2. Rob Covell says

          I bought Deathtrap on Steam about 2 months ago annoyingly. It’s a Diablo/Tower Defense fusion which was playable enough. Certainly not something memorable though.

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