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Space Hulk: Deathwing Gets First Update

Yesterday, Streum On Studio pushed the first update for Space Hulk: Deathwing since it released last week. The Update improves performance issues.

I ran some video coverage on the game, taking a look at the first campaign, and the video can be found below.

In a Steam update post, it was announced that the first update for Space Hulk: Deathwing was designed to fix any game breaking bugs, crashes, and even FPS issues.

Streum On Studio are aware that there may still be multiplayer bugs and some performance issues, and that they are working on those issues, and are requesting that players report any issues they experience to their official forumn.

The update is the Hotfix 1.06 and features

  • Various performance optimizations (this is also an ongoing process).
  • Inventory crash (in multiplayer) fixed.
  • Major FPS drop on Chapter 1 experienced by AMD processors fixed.
  • Input loss upon door interaction in multiplayer fixed.
  • Potential crash using NVIDIA graphics card fixed.
  • Multiplayer connection timeout increased, allowing more modest systems greater time to connect.

Now, the update itself is only 231MB, but players are warned that the update opens the game, requiring players to ensure they have appropriately 32GB temporary free disk space in their Steam directory. As another warning, the last 5% of the update rewriters that said 32GB and can take a while to process, possibly looking like it’s stuck, but it isn’t.

Space Hulk: Deathwing is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Here is the video coverage that I ran looking at the first campaign and how the overall game looks, and feels.

Source: Steam Update Page

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