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Watch: 12 Minutes of The Swords of Ditto in Latest Trailer

Devolver Digital has released a new 12 minute gameplay video of The Swords of Ditto.

Publisher Developer Digital has released an extended look at The Swords of Ditto, the charming RPG adventure title from developers One Bit Beyond. The trailer’s extended look gives us a much bigger slice of the game than the previous, shorter one released for E3 last month.

This new game looks absolutely adorable – full of sassy dialogue, cute cartoon animation and fun special moves, such as a giant foot that will squash your enemies. Available as multiplayer, it’s due for release early 2018 for both PC and PS4.

The new video shows the beginning menu, the very start of the game showing the player’s character first waking up on a beach, and then follows the player and a companion through part of the very first dungeon. Special moves include throwing 12″ vinyl, stomping on enemies with a giant foot, and a magic bow and arrow. Players can even revive companions by giving them a hug – aw!

We also get introduced to Puku, who seems to be a key character in the game – waking up the player’s character at the very beginning and offering support and guidance in the dungeon, and Mormo, the bad guy.

Oh, and check out that loot – “A super-rare shiny foil pack of stickers! You HAVE to find out what’s inside!”

You can find the new 12 minute gameplay trailer below. Plus, don’t forget to check out the official trailer, revealed last month – it’s well worth a watch.

The Swords of Ditto is arriving in early 2018 on PC and on PS4.

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