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The Swords of Ditto Releases 24th of April


We last mentioned the Swords of Ditto last year when the gameplay trailer was released for E3, and have now returned, excited, to report that the game will be releasing on PC and PS4 later this week.

The Swords of Ditto is a super-cute roguelike action RPG with a cartoon-style reminiscent of Adventure Time. It has been designed for repeated play-throughs, with each adventure becoming part of your heroic legacy.

Your adventure begins after you are washed up on a beach outside a small village, and you are given a quest to defeat the evil Mormo. Each time you die, your hero regenerates in the same village a century later with a randomised appearance and world map. Every deed, success and failure of your hero’s adventure has implications for the heroes that follow, having an effect on your future playthroughs. This includes the items you may find and weapons available.

The game has fun, quirky elements – special moves include throwing 12″ vinyl, stomping on enemies with the colossal foot and using a golf club.

There is a wealth of side quests and dungeons to explore and complete to gain experience, before your final confrontation with the evil Mormo. While you can confront Mormo in the very beginning of the game, most players (especially on their first play-through) will need to take advantage of the side quests, dungeons, dark caverns and deep wells first.

It can also be played as a local two-player co-op game — where players can revive each other by giving them a hug!

The Swords of Ditto has been developed by One Bit Beyond and published by Devolver Digital. It will be released on PC and PS4 on 24th April. It can be ordered from Steam, with a 20% discount for pre-orders. You can find out more on the official Swords of Ditto website or on Steam.

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