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The Day After Arriving On Early Access in Summer 2017

Coconut Games have announced their title, The Day After is arriving on Steam early in the Summer of 2017.

The Day After is an open-world action game action game, following a story in a North American mining town that has been kept under quarantine due to an unknown bacteria that has been affecting citizens, turning them into dangerous, and volatile beings. Players will be facing the future that lies ahead, but will also find the characters reflecting on the past, what the world was like, and regrets.

Noah is the protagonist, a young man who uses the world around him to his advantage as well as using guns and long range weapons with bullets that have been coated in substances, and using various melee weapons.

Players will find themselves becoming influenced by karma based on Noah’s actions, interactions, and relationships. Decisions will lead to consequences. There is also an online mode in which players can invite a friend to join your adventure as a co-op experience where you can compare choices as well as performances.

Running on the Unreal Engine 4, The Day After allows a huge open world to be explored. Both on land and underground. in the mines and tunnels.

It certainly sounds like an interesting title, and The Day After will be available on Steam Early Access sometime in the Summer of this year. Graphically it seems to be reminding me of DayZ, and hopefully the story and multiplayer elements will work fantastically.

Source: Press Release



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