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Slime-San Launched, Console Version Arriving Later This Year

Slime-San, the weird story of a slime that gets eaten and then must evade digestion within the body of the worm that consumed him.

The title that has been developed by Fabraz and published by Headup Games is now out on PC, Mac, and Linux. It came out on the 7th of April and launched with a 10% discount that runs out this week.

The title sees players taking the role of a slime that is consumed by a worm, they then spend their time escaping from the worms digestion system and push through the worms innards.until they escape from the mouth.I ran coverage last week including details of the game and the mini games that come with it so that’s worth giving a read.

The console versions of Slime-San will launch in Q3 of 2017

Source; Press Release

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