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Rain World Shows Beautiful Gameplay & Release Date In Latest World Trailer

Slugcat, the cute, surreal protagonist from the upcoming title has gotten a new trailer titled, “Fate of a Slugcat” which ends with the release date.

Rain World developer Videocult, pushed out its exclusive trailer last year in December which showed off some creepy gameplay and interesting landscapes. Then in January this year, we got to see the living ecosystem in action within the world of Rain World.

Within the new trailer that was pushed live on Adult Swim’s YouTube channel, we get to witness some stunning graphics, and haunting foreground and background elements taking place while Slugcat ventures the world unknown to it. It looks like a rather special, dark platformer, and it’s going to be arriving on PS4 and PC on March the 28th.

You can view the video below.

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  1. Dann Sullivan says

    Whenever I see this game it reminds me of my time spent with Oddworld; smooth animations, malicious & dangerous world, busy backgrounds. This is definitely on my watch-list.

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