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Meow Moments: Celebrating Renewal & Romance – Cute Cats

We have now played a large number of hidden object games, and most recently those have primarily had a cat theme. But, would you believe there are more being released? Meow Moments: Celebrating Renewal & Romance is part of a new series that we haven’t played before. Robin was eager to load it up onto our Xbox, so we could play together, and it took about two days to complete.

Meow Moments: Celebrating Renewal & Romance has two different hidden cat levels; one celebrating New Years and one celebrating Valentine’s Day, with their own adorable cat worlds to explore. We started with New Years, which is an off-white background with lots of black lines. The scene is a beach day, with a concert going and lots of people playing in the town. You actually have three things to find; people, cats,  animals and balloons. The Valentine’s Day level had lots of people being lovely at a park; couples riding bikes, cat partners in crime, people purchasing flowers, and animals eating at a little cafe. This level was pink and black, which was a little overwhelming at first. 

The balloons are quite interesting, as you just need to find and pop all of the balloons. The people and cats come on two sides of the screen, giving you three specific cats or people to aim for and find. You can sometimes scroll over the pictures to make them bigger or you can tap them to re-roll the aim, so that you can look for a new one. There is a hint system in each level, allowing you to select a magnifying glass and move it over the picture, where it lights up green when there is an object from the category in the magnifying glass. It then takes a little bit of time to recharge, but is unlimited.

Within the two levels, there were a few key cats that triggered achievements, but they didn’t feel particularly special or have a pop-up with a real life picture like other, similar games. I did wish I could learn more about these special cats! 

Overall, however, Robin and I both enjoyed the graphic style and background music to Meow Moments: Celebrating Renewal & Romance. We found it to be not so challenging, but sometimes that’s exactly what you are looking for! The photos of what you need to find include a lot of background, which allows you to find the cats or people by checking the area of the screen they would be on. This was a neat twist! 

Meow Moments: Celebrating Renewal & Romance is out on Xbox and Nintendo Switch. The game is also out under a different name on PC.

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