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Greenlight Highlight | Handsome Mr. Frog

1Title: Handsome Mr. Frog
Developer: Cowboy Color
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Arcade Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Pesky villains have pinched the handsome Mr. Frog’s hat, and he must get it back via besting waves of enemies in various arcade arenas.

What do we like most about it?

The game looks like somebody modernised a DOS title to the NES, keeping all the classy, wild characters and level varieties. I have, over the years, repeatedly told complainers that games are for fun, and that they don’t need to make sense. It shouldn’t matter that once the titular frog has gobbed his way through the icy level, filled with strange cat people, he goes on to best blue-eyebrow’d, bipedal alligators. It should’t, and it doesn’t matter, what matters is that the game is fun – and it really does look fun, like it’s been ripped straight out of the past, long forgotten, ready for another chance to shine.

When’s it due?

Handsome Mr Frog is due to release on Windows PC as soon as it’s Greenlit.

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