Greenlight Highlight | Castle of No Escape 2

Castle of No escape 2 - LogoTitle: Castle of No Escape 2
Developer: DEX
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Top-Down Action RPG in NES style

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Six floors of deadly rooms block your way to the exit in this combination of NES visuals,  and adventure RPG style dungeon exploration and equipment “appropriation”.

What do we like most about it?

Together the visuals and audio completely nail the NES motif, and the concept of the game – as well as it’s inventory and item system – delivers on an early Zelda level that is rarely seen these days.

I am especially taken with the section of the screen dedicated to showing the items you have collected and the map. And, I presume that broken sword is you collecting scraps of a powerful weapon to forge – if so, that is really cool.

When’s it due?

Castle of No Escape 2 is set to launch for Windows PC in the fall of this year.

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