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A Tiny Sticker Tale – an adorable adventure

Honestly, I am not sure if sticker books are still a thing. As a child, I had sticker books that were themed, tons of them, with my own collection of stickers. My children do not collect stickers, however, and instead use them in crafting. A Tiny Sticker Tale is a sticker book collecting game where you can use the various stickers you collect to solve little puzzles and help characters around the map.

You have a magical power in A Tiny Sticker Tale; you can go into a Sticker Mode where you can pull any item up from the world; people, plants, tools — and then place them in your sticker book. This allows you to move objects and creatures to new parts of the map, fix broken buildings and share items with those who may need it more than you. 

As you travel around the map in A Tiny Sticker Tale, you can see items missing from areas and meet characters who need something. One character needs some trees returned to her favorite relaxing location, as a strange and mischievous racoon has stolen them all! This racoon seems to have the same ability as you, but uses it for evil. They even end up trapping you in an area, as they don’t want you following them.

A Tiny Sticker Tale

Another character needs you to get them fish for their pond, and an older character needs help moving across the map to locations that she wants to visit. It’s a wholesome, lovely game with a lot of story telling and small puzzles that feel fun to complete.

I really enjoyed playing A Tiny Sticker Tale — it’s a game you can complete in one sitting. It feels lovely to help these characters, find a dog that follows you, and gain a bunch of statues that you can then place around the map. It’s just a fun, wholesome time.

You can play A Tiny Sticker Tale on PC and Nintendo Switch.

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