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Greenlight Highlight | Bad Sector HDD

Bad Sector HDDTitle: Bad Sector HDD
Developer: Dan Ruscoe
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

It’s Qix but dressed up as a classic defragmentation screen, with you having to secure each system as to stop the virus sectors.

What do we like most about it?

I really enjoy Qix, it’s a game that was almost perfect when it launched and one where I always got too cocky and pushed myself to take risks that I really shouldn’t have.

The original title is available for play, for free, on and it’s really not bad at all – with the only reall issue being the player pixel leaving a shadow of itself if you twist and turn to erratically. The new version clearly builds on that with new enemies, a slightly tidier UI, and a story laced between the levels.

When’s it due?

Bad Sector HDD is set to launch in September for Windows PC

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