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E3 2017 – Shadow Of The Colossus Will Be Remade On PS4

Fumito Ueda’s second masterpiece will see new life on PlayStation 4, with an all-out remake.

Very few games on PlayStation 2 have the power of leave such a powerful impression like Shadow of the Colossus does. The game has discussion for days and weeks on the underlying subjects that could be analysed to exhaustion and, if we thought it was time to let go of it, we were wrong.

BluePoint games are remaking this timeless classic on PlayStation 4, Sony revealed during their E3 2017 press conference, in which the reveal featured the strongest surprise of their showing this year. Those with a sharp eye noticed earlier in the day that a trademark for “Shadow of the Colossus” had been filed hours ahead of the show.

The trailer, which you can see below, showcases remade assets but the same grand, mystique essence the original had. Sony have also confirmed the controls will be tweaked for additional accessibility, but other than that, we do not know much more. The game has a release window of 2018, which is wide enough for us to not have an approximate idea of when in the year it will drop.

Shadow of the Colossus will make its return on PlayStation 4 in 2018


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