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Bravo Team, PS VR Exclusive Shooter Announced by Supermassive Games

Creators of Bastion and Transistor creating a modern-day shooter exclusive to Sony’s virtual reality headset.

Supermassive Games’ new project, Bravo Team, was unveiled as a PS VR exclusive earlier this week. The title follows the efforts of the titular team as they attempt to complete their objectives and escape a volatile, ficticious, Eastern-European city following the assassination of The President while under their watch.

There’s not much shown off in the trailer, mainly shouting, shooting, and hand signals. What is undeniable however is that the arcade games of old are perfect for VR, and Bravo Team channels a few favourites, even if it’s current offerings seem a lot more direct and serious than it’s predeccesors.

Bravo Team is set to release for Playstation VR in the future.

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