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E3 2017 – Resogun Dev Housemarque Present New Trailer for Matterfall

The game stays true to the essence of the development team, with highly eye-catching gameplay.

Following Resogun, dev studio Housemarque are working on Matterfall, a game that doubles down on the premise that Resogun started: challenging, bullet-hell gameplay with an obscene amount of enemies on screen.

This time around, you don’t control a ship, though. Matterfall puts you in the shoes of a galactic soldier who has several tricks up its sleeve. In the trailer below – presented at Sony’s E3 pre-show – you can see the basics of the game’s gameplay: create your path forward (or your shield from the enemy behind you), destroy your opponents as you push your way through the levels and most importantly: stay alive.

Also at E3 we learn that the game will feature multiple difficulty settings and that a challenge is guaranteed for those willing to test their shooting and surviving skills, on top of their reflexes and thought swiftness.

Matterfall will release on PlayStation 4 on August 15 this year.

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