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Yonder The Cloud Chronicles (PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC & Xbox One)

Whilst on a journey of self discovery to understand your family’s reason for sending you away at a young age, a terrible storm wrecks your ship and leaves you stranded with no crew in Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles.

The premise starts out quite daunting but as a result of the initial calamity your character wakes with a newfound ability to speak to the local mythical Sprites. Further adventuring reveals the land is choking from blight known as the Murk which with some help you set out to resolve.

Drawing parallels to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in both its exploratory premise and its art style, Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles instead concentrates on its workshop and crafting elements rather than a focus on combat. Throughout progression of the main story, your character is initially awarded a farm as a base of operations and then can continue to train up in various professions in order to create or craft higher level items to support the quest objectives at any given time.

With very few barriers to entry, Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles is very accessible for new players. Its first few quests lead you gently by the hand into the facets of its crafting and adventuring skills but don’t let that fool you into thinking there is a lack of depth. The number of subsystems packing into Yonder by it’s developers is quite admirable and you could spend your playtime simply hunting cats, dying your hair or trading goods in the ample side quests on offer.

Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles is a very pretty game to look at and almost exaggerated in its presentation of colour. Bryan Taylor at B3 took a look specifically at Yonder’s art style and had this to say in his piece:

“The vibrant open fantasy world in Yonder dabbles in magic here and there, but most of the magic is found through discovery and exploration”

A fully fledged single player experience with no online interactions, Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles is a beautiful, relaxing adventure that will entice younger players with its easy to learn systems, magical narrative and ample activities to keep them occupied for hours. 

Yonder: The Cloud Chronicles is available now on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch and PC

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