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B3’s Guide to Child Friendly Gaming during CoViD-19 Lockdown

Toybox Sandbox
Coronavirus (CoViD-19) has transformed life as we know it and will continue to do so for many of us for the foreseeable future. Alone, I can manage my activities and my time but with three kids to entertain and educate alongside my health, fitness, sleep, work and spare downtime it’s enough to drive the most stoic of parents to the edge.

Luckily my love and passion for video gaming has rubbed off somewhat on my progeny and they do enjoy spending time playing either alone or together on the platforms we have access to in our household. It’s been a godsend to allow my wife and I some much needed downtime between the housework, my job and the kids ongoing learning and development activities that school has enabled via the miracle of technology (Thanks Google!).

For those looking to not only give the kids something safe to do but also help create some scenarios in which parents are comfortable enough to relax for five minutes, this article outlines the games and platforms which are most likely to introduce children to a new medium, in a controlled manner and in the knowledge that violence, language and adult themes are at no point likely to make an appearance.

The core premise of the guide may leave some obvious choices off the table but some are also excluded on the basic understanding that all of the games in this list are:

  • Predominantly Offline
  • Online Interactions can be easily controlled
  • Free of loot box mechanics 
  • Contain substantial single player content
  • Are suitable for all ages, audiences and skill levels
  • Most have local multiplayer available for 2-4 players.

With that said let’s get on with it and if you have any other games to add to the list for other readers please do leave them in the comments below!

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