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Hamster Playground is adorable, wholesome fun

You know those children who really want a pet hamster, but they don’t get one because they don’t have the space or somebody knows that they won’t be as fun as the child thinks? Hamster Playground is an answer to this; it’s a wonderful, well designed game where children can have a whole bunch of pet hamsters that they can dress up, play with, and do a bunch of mini-games with. 

Robin, who is six years old, has had a hamster for quite some time now and is hamster obsessed. When I saw Hamster Playground at EGX, I was instantly delighted and felt like it would be a perfect game for her — and she has been obsessed since. Hamster Playground is a colorful game with various rooms, and each of the rooms has a bunch of different activities.

All of the hamsters have specific needs, similar to The Sims; You need to wash your hamsters, feed them, instruct them to sleep, play with them, etc. Along with these needs, you can also teach your hamster different things. If your hamster spends a lot of time in the gym, they can become stronger, smarter, or more agile, which is useful in specific mini-games. Another mini-game has your hamster shoving food in their face, in a massive eating competition. 

Hamster Playground

There are also mazes in Hamster Playground that you can try to guide your hamsters around. These reminded me a lot of the TikTok viral hamster videos, where people would make giant mazes with food at the end, for their little furry friend to go through. These are equally colorful and fun to watch as your hamster moves through the maze. You can dress up your different hamsters too, in cute little outfits too! There is just a lot that you are able to do within this game.

Robin has really enjoyed Hamster Playground, and it feels like a fun, simple game where you can have super fun pets without all the work. There is a big warning at the start about these hamsters not being real hamsters, and to not dress up or try these things with your real life hamster! 

Currently, Hamster Playground is on PC, but we are holding out for an Xbox release too so that she can play it on the TV.

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