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E3 2017 | Dragon Ball FighterZ Gameplay Footage Revealed

Remember that post I did on Dragon Ball FighterZ being revealed at E3 2017? Well now we have two gameplay videos from the official Bandai Namco YouTube.

Dragon Ball FighterZ, the latest Dragon Ball title to join the franchise of games has shown us two videos that feature fights. The game is set within the Dragon Ball universe and brings 2D side-scrolling fighting amongst a 3D world.

The first gameplay video shows Goku and Cell fighting one another, before tagging out and dropping in one of the other two fighters players can assign. This sees three fighters per player, available to call in and swap at any time. The footage shows off a load of flashy graphics and sprites, and we get to see the camera changing perspective during dramatic power moves.

The second video shows the same map, and see’s another battle taking place really, and it becomes apparent that after each character is downed, there will more than likely be a short cutscene before returning to combat. The world is transformed at one point after a huge explosion during one downing, and the battle takes place amongst the debris.

Some great gameplay footage there, personally, it would have been nice to have seen a different environment in one of the videos, but I guess we’ll just have to wait until the game launches on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 in early 2018.

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