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E3 2017 | Upcoming Co-op RPG Title Dauntless Gets Trailer

Dauntless, an RPG tile by Phoenix Labs with a co-op style of gameplay has now got itself a fancy E3 2017 trailer.

The title is due to arrive this year on PC, and the latest trailer that has been pushed ahead of this year E3 shows off the co=op system in actions, while players traverse across a pretty world, hacking and slashing creatures of all sizes down. We get to see some airboats, a living breathing market, a damn fancy costume change at the 0:50 mark, and a dramatic battle with a huge owl, otherwise known as “Shrike”.

Players can sign up to join the beta by going to the main website.

The story focuses on players battling huge creatures as they craft stronger weapons, and forge their own legend on the “Shattered Isles”, the huge world players can venture across. Oh, did I forget to mention? It’s going to be free-to-play too.

Check out the E3 2017 trailer below.

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