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Competitive Multiplayer Mining in Miner Meltdown Out Now On Early Access

Mighty Pebble Games have launched their first game on Steam Early Access that goes by the name, “Miner Meltdown” a 2D mining, resource gathering title.

Miner Meltdown is a competitive 4v4 multiplayer title, inspired by games such as, Worms, and Terraria. It brings a team based system into play, with two teams, both with four players and each team working to gather the world for minerals to upgrade their gear, eventually leading to an attempt to blow up the opposing team. Players will face monsters, traps, and environmental pitfalls during their travels.

With procedurally generated maps where everything is destructible, Miner Meltdown provides players with methods to get around the world, such as jetpacks, ropes, and more, and with unique weapons available, you can expect to see some tense battles coming from each team.

Taken from the press release, the features detailed are,

  • 4 vs 4 online multiplayer
  • Randomly generated and 100% destructible terrain
  • Loads of unique weapons to choose from
  • Fast-paced gameplay, using ropes, jetpacks, and grapples, to move around the map with ease.
  • Funky soundtrack from #IDARB’s Bob Baffy
  • Tons of thrust-dancing
Miner Meltdown has been confirmed for PC and Mac, and is available on Steam Early Access.
 Source: Press Release
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