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Greenlight Highlight | Crab Dub

crab-dub-logoTitle: Crab Dub
Developer: Anatoliy Loginovskikh
Publisher : Sometimes You
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

You play a cyber-crab prototype sent out to work for evil in destroying and enslaving the creatures of the ocean, however, your chips seize and you are given a choice to pick sides in the fight for the creature’s freedom.

What do we like most about it?

There’s something about the platforming sections shown in the trailer that remind me of Cool Spot, it might be the colours, it might be the reliance on jumping on ascending platforms, I’m not sure. Whatever it is though, it’s something that really looks like I’d enjoy it.

I’m not too sure exactly what the game is, that said, as the developer has stated that there are clicker sections in the game. I wonder if they possibly mean quick-time-events, as that’s a term that seems to have fallen out of place now, even though the button mashing that many of those needed certainly likely fits what they mean.

Anyway, it’s a nice tight platform game with a quirky world, familiar art-style and it’s own soundtrack. Sounds good to me.

When’s it due?

Crab Dub is currently only listed as launching this year, with no more specific estimate anywhere to be found. The game is listed for launch on Windows PC.

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