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Greenlight Highlight | Down Ward

Down Ward - LogoTitle: Down Ward
Developer: Fisholith
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A wonderful, GameBoy-styled platform title where you play as an owl tasked with reigniting the watch towers of the wilds.

What do we like most about it?

The four-colour art style is far from basic in Down Ward, with extremely highly detailed backgrounds bringing alive the forested wilderness that serves as the game’s setting.

The flight and momentum system is also very interesting as – much like the N series – it looks like something that can produce some real moments of genuine relief at pulling off exceptional timing, especially when faced with deadly jumps and single-hit health bars.

When’s it due?

Down Ward is currently in a playable alpha state, and although the developer gives no real confirmation, I would assume it will enter in early access shortly after being greenlit. When it does launch it will do so for Windows PC, Mac & Linux.

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