Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Knot

Knot - LogoTitle: Knot
Developer: Warlock Arts
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

High detail, fully rotatable burr puzzles in a calming minimalist environment.

What do we like most about it?

Much like Secret Exit’s 2010 title Zen Bound 2 – a game where you rotate objects as to bind the maximum surface area with rope – Knot’s minimalistic, simplistic charm is the thing that immediately jumps out at you. While Knot’s burr puzzles are certainly simpler than ZB2 it’s probably even more calming.

I don’t have much more to say on it. I’m very impressed with the textures, and it’s clear the team are passionate about the puzzles. I’m just hoping there’s a good quantity of puzzles in the game when it launches, and that the game is a reasonable price for what it is.

When’s it due?

Knot doesn’t have a release date listed for it, however when it does launch it is down for launch on PC, Mac & Linux.

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