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Greenlight Highlight | Glass Masquerade

Glass MasqueradeTitle: Glass Masquerade
Developer: Constellation Q5
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

It’s a jigsaw game where beautiful stained-glass, art deco inspired images have been shattered into pieces.

What do we like most about it?

It’s just an amazingly beautiful game. I don’t really understand the clock motif, nor how the stained glass material ties into art deco… but, I don’t care either. I just want to play it.

Currently there’s 15 nations of the world included in the game (it’s based around the ‘Times Exhibition 1935’ – Wait, time, gotcha) and they’re looking at doubling that as well as adding in some well paced piano music to bring it all together.

When’s it due?

Glass Masquerade is due to launch on Windows PC & Mac at some point this autumn.

Note: Developer and video link updated on 04/08/2016

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