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Greenlight Highlight | Phantom Eden

Phantom Eden - LogoTitle: Phantom Eden
Developer: Detocroix Company
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Roguelike Dungeon Crawler

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A roguelike with a more realistic healing, fatigue and weapon-wear system built into it – and for those who can manage the journey, a place where you can store items that persist between plays.

What do we like most about it?

As covered in the quick pitch, the game challenges a lot of the mechanics which are taken for granted in traditional roguelikes, for one the ARPG loop of getting a bigger weapon to defeat a bigger enemy to get a bigger weapon as to defea… that loop of reward risk repetition is something I’m glad to see challenged across the industry. Where better to start than with the regularly chided for difficulty Roguelike genre?

Anything else worth shouting about?

Is it sad that I was quite impressed with the items dancing around on the table in the trailer as the character moved items between it and their inventory? The fact the character weapons moved was also quite impressive, although the game is clearly heading into Early Access as to sort out a few of the facing issues as well as bolstering the general game content; in the trailer we didn’t get to see a particularly wide range of weapons, items or environments. That said, everything that was there looked impressive.

When’s it due?

Phantom Eden is set to launch into early access in late 2016 for Windows PC, Mac & Linux

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