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Warcube Early Access Date Revealed

Warcube, the action adventure, hack and slash title from Haven Made has an Early Access release date, and the 27th January 2017 will see the Early Access become available..

The last coverage on Warcube that we ran was when it was stated that the game would land into Early Access sometime in January 2017, but no date was given.

In a Steam update, Craigz has announced that the game is in fact coming on the 27th January 2017.

He also goes on to say that the game that you play on the 27th will more than likely be different than the final build. Hopefully the cube theme remains…Realistically though, the full game aims to feature,

  • Places to explore & conquer.
  • Equipment to use.
  • Enemies to destroy.
  • Extra game modes.
  • Explosions.
  • Easter Eggs.

The trailer below was uploaded seven months ago, and from Twitter GIF’s and such, the game seems to have made some dramatic improvements since then, but it’s still worth looking.

Source: Warcube Steam Update

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