Big Boss Battle
Gaming News, Reviews & Opinions

Greenlight Highlight | Fictorum

Fictorum - Tiny LogoTitle: Fictorum
Developer: Scraping Bottom Games
[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

Action RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A large scale game in which you, a powerful wizard with amazing control over magic, set out to take down a massive empire, soldier by soldier, brick by brick.

What do we like most about it?

The developers are completely right in the style of wizards we normally play. The more powerful a wizard is, normally the more feeble a thing can fell them – magic normally being symbolic of something unearthly and ergo dehumanising. As such it’s fantastic to see a game where you have exceptional power, and the ability to tweak and adjust spells on the fly.

Anything else worth shouting about?

Destructability is always a nice thing to have in games when you are destroying EVERYTHING. That said, as with other games that focus on outright destruction the Achilles heel is normally in the content levels, and how the game manages to make you progress through the levels (as opposed to breaking things until you are bored). Thankfully the developers seem overly willing to focus on this, as a matter of fact the core of their Kickstarter campaign is focused around content creation within the game. Top job.

When’s it due?

The game is listed for an estimated Q2 2017 release for PC.

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