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VR Tie In Coming For Alien: Covenant

Alien: Covenant will be getting a VR Game tie-in and is set to scare players in a way they expected to be scared by Alien: Isolation’s VR support…which never happened.

Ridley Scott’s upcoming film, Alien: Covenant, the sequel to 2012’s  Prometheus, will have a VR experience coming as a paid app on most VR platforms.

This will be great news for those who were disappointed with the absence of VR support for 2014’s, Alien Isolation after they demo’d the VR side of the game with the Oculus Rift.

Developer, Fox Innovation Lab say that the spin off, produced by Ridley Scott is…

“a dread-inducing journey into the depths of the Alien universe.”

Fox Innovation Lab had worked with Scott before with a VR tie in with, “The Martian” but it didn’t really fare too well with reviews. Maybe this time round it’ll grab positive reactions, and possibly the hearts of the Alien fandoms.

The film launches on the 19th May, so expect the VR experience to launch around about then too.


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