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There’s 42 Different Combinations to the Start of your Walking Dead Season Three Journey


Telltale Games’ CEO, Kevin Brunner took to Reddit yesterday to explain the importing, and story set-up, methods that Telltale will be employing when ti comes to their upcoming third series in The Walking Dead game.

The Walking Dead: A New Horizon is different in a lot of ways, for a start the game puts Clementine, who has been central to the series thus far, into the secondary role (some would argue ‘again’ as she wasn’t the main character in the first series), however it also takes the game over to new platforms for the first time.

Because of this, and because of the fact that some players will be joining the series fresh-faced, Telltale have implemented an importing system similar to Bioware’s Dragon Age: The Keep which was used to set up the game world before players embarked on their journey. Much like ‘The Keep’ players will be able to create centralised accounts, in this case a Telltale account, in order to move saves over from last gen systems to the new platforms.

Alternately, they can also answer a string of -as of yet unspecified- questions regarding Clementine (and in effect A.J) and the character’s past. This will result in one of 42 starting world states – definitely discussing the fate of certain characters; possibly important things like the fate of Kenny, Jane, Lee, and hopefully things like Clem’s role and witnessing of the deaths of certain characters in the previous series.

I personally hope we see a return of previous characters; we have several who are unaccounted for including Krista, Mike, Arvo, and even Molly. There’s also the possibility of seeing characters who only died in certain playthroughs like Kenny, Jane, and Bonny.

Impatient? Why not check out the extended look trailer, or possibly the recent launch trailer, which released on Sunday.

The Walking Dead: A New Horizon is a five part season, with the first two episodes launching on December 20th. It will launch for Xbox One, PS4 & PC.

Source: Reddit.

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