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Here’s the Elite: Dangerous PS4 Announcement Trailer we Forgot to Post


Earlier on in the week we covered the fact that Elite: Dangerous would be coming to the PS4. However, in our haste we forgot to post the exceptionally flashy trailer that was released with the announcement.

The trailer, as you can see below, does an amazing job of capturing the vast options already in place (and coming soon) in Frontier Development’s Elite: Dangerous. The Playstation 4 version of the game will include both season passes as released to date; meaning that the version will launch with Powerplay, Planetery Landing, Passenger Ships, and a whole lot more to the already impressive open-world (although that might be a bit tame) gameplay of the game.

There’s no word on how the server-side of the game will play out, but as the Xbox One & PC players are currently separated, although the economy is shared, it is likely that independent servers will be arranged for PS4 players.

Elite: Dangerous is set to launch on PS4 in 2017; it is currently already available for Xbox One and PC.

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