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Filthy Lucre Out Now on PC; Launch Discount & Trailer in Tow.

Fabrik launched their first title, Filthy Lucre, onto Steam yesterday following a three month period exclusively on PS4.

Filthy Lucre, a tactical stealth heist title from fresh, Manchester-based developer Fabrik, is now available on the Steam store at a limited time discount of 40% – knocking the game down from £13.59 to £8.15, or equivalent currency. There’s also a two-pack bundle available which comes at a further discount (although I confess, I couldn’t find a link).

The game, which originally launched onto the PS4 in September, includes 15 heists which can all be played through in two player co-operative. The game rewards the cautious and the thorough by featuring an extensive selection of weapons and gadgets of which many can be upgraded.

On the subject of Stealth, the CEO of Fabrik -Graeme Ankers- commented on feedback from the PS4 community; “Players love the stealth experience of Filthy Lucre so we’ve added new features including the ability to move bodies and a noise meter to help avoid detection. We’ve done a full pass over the game tuning every element from core combat to enemy AI behaviour. We’re excited about this array of new and improved features which we are confident will help to win a host of new fans on the PC platform”

Source: Press Relase

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