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Rain World Lands First Patch Since Launch

Rain World, the story about a little lost Slugcat that released towards the end of last month has received its first patch.

The patch was designed to smooth out some rough edges and fix issues with physics and props being the cause for players deaths rather than the intended wildlife.

The actual change log is far from what, Videocult call a “quick patch”. It’s actually nice and long! Players can now breathe for longer underwater, as well as actually being able to see Slugcat in the murky waters with a subtle backlight, Map progress is now saved upon death, intro cinematic is skippable and much more. I won’t list them all, but I will list the source post which is over on the Rain World Update Page.

There are plans for more content to arrive to the title in future updates. Our writer, Dann ran a review on his time with Rain World. Give it a read!

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