Greenlight Highlight | Blue Horizon

Blue Horizon - LogoTitle: Blue Horizon
Developer: Blue Horizon Studios
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Open World RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

An open world RPG set in the time of pirates, featuring melee & naval combat as well as a selection of town hubs and islands to explore.

What do we like most about it?

Blue Horizon reminds me a lot of some of the underdog RPGs that I really enjoyed over the last generation of consoles; Risen, Two Worlds, Divinity, Dark Messiah. All of those games had deep worlds, brilliant ideas behind them, and interesting additions to the trending conventions; unfortunately they were all left a little behind graphically, and suffered at the hands of their UI/HUD. Indeed, Blue Horizon certainly looks behind the times graphically, and it’s awkward Health & Stamina bars are stick out like a sore thumb. But, those points aside, the game looks to have a really interesting level of depth to it – from the blacksmith seen, to the boss fights that serve as progression checks throughout the explorations of the island.

Indeed, with a little bit of work on the textures and models, as well as a redo on the bars, the game could really be a good, fun little pirating adventure; the ship set up looks very good, and the potential for first person combat that we see so regularly taunted in the video, is brilliant.

I’m very hopeful for the team behind it to continue working on the game, building and redoubling efforts, because good games set in the age of piracy are lacking, and it’s a brilliant setting.

When’s it due?

Blue Horizon is currently listed for a 2017 release for Windows PC.

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