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Far Cry 5 Reveal Trailer, Meet The Characters, and More Within

Ubisoft have been teasing Far Cry 5 since the 16th of May, and now we’ve been given the details on their latest Far Cry title.

With four teaser videos and some key art already being pushed online, which you can see all of that over in my last coverage on the title here, players were no doubt excited to hear news that the action adventure FPS title is returning. The last title to be launched was Far Cry Primal, but that didn’t fit into the games pattern, with Far Cry 3 launching in 2012, and Far Cry 4 launching in 2015, and now Far Cry 5 has been officially announced, but not as Far Cry 6. Then again, Primal always felt like a spin off. A side project. Anyway, I’m rambling.

Let’s discuss what you’re here for.

So far, we know that Far Cry 5 is set on US soil within Montana in a fictional, Hope County. Teasers have indicated that we’re going to be getting a large open-world to explore with large hills, snow tipped mountains, and dense forests. There have also been blatant hints for religious themes taking place as part of the storyline.

The reveal trailer talks about “something” coming, and shows off a large American world, a lot of flags flying, and a large country to explore, breathing with wildlife. The trailer shows off some heavy religious tones, with not only churches, and Christians, but the antagonist talking calls himself a “Father” seeing himself as some God amongst men.

We get shown what would no doubt be the main characters of the story, looking beaten and tired from a war of sorts, and as they watch a helicopter fly overhead we cut to some action sequences, introducing us to the vehicles and weapons. A plane also flies in, which solidifies being able to finally control a flyable aircraft.

More videos include an introduction to Pastor Jerome Jeffries. The videos shows the Pastor reading an extract from the Bible before picking up his weapon and leaving a destroyed church.

Another video introduces Mary May Fairgrave. She’s seen talking about her bar, describing a scene that has happened. She soon slams down bottles saying that the place is “ours”, certainly leading to a strong territory war.

Nick Rye further confirms the fact that we can finally fly as he’s repairing up his Bi-Plane. He then starts attaching a huge minigun to the plane. Awesome.

So far no gameplay has been shown, but you can no doubt expect that Ubisoft are saving that up for E3. For now, you can check out all the details on their website.

The title is going to be arriving in February 2018 on the 27th. There will be both a standard edition and a Deluxe edition. If that wasn’t enough you can also grab a Gold Edition. The Deluxe Edition will include a Deluxe Pack that includes a Doomsday Prepper Outfit, a Doomsday Van, and a Doomsday weapon, a 1911 Handgun. There will also be an additional Chaos Pack available which will bring 4x Molotov Cocktails, 4x Animal Baits, 4x Fast Buffs, and 4x Furious Buffs. The Gold Edition will include the Deluxe Pack just detailed, but will also include a Season Pass with additional stories, content, and gear.

PS4 users will be able to get exclusive free Far Cry 5 content with the PS4 edition of the game. When the game launches, players will be able to unlock the Cougar Fan Set.

Source: Ubisoft YouTube

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