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Cat Logic Games Launch The Path To Die Alpha Trailer

The Path To Die gets a first ever alpha trailer from developer, Cat Logic Games.

The Path To Die shows pre-alpha footage of the title in action. The top down action title sees players using a controller to control Katana attacks being performed by a Japanese warrior who is equipped with not only the Katana, but also a bow.

The main thing about The Path To Die is certainly the combat controls. Everything is done through the right analog stick, giving the title an almost SKATE type method of performing attacks with the stick as opposed to using button combos like most titles.The title also seems to be taking a retro theme, however graphics shown aren’t final yet. Have a look at the combat system in action.

We previously ran coverage on this when the title was in the early stages of Greenlight. I would imagine the title is PC focused with controller required, but wouldn’t be surprised if they find a way to port to the consoles.

Here is the trailer.

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