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Kickstarter Success for Anew: The Distant Light, New Stretch Goal Revealed

Anew: The Distant Light has succeeded in their crowdfunding goal by raising more than $30,000

Originally looking for $30,000, Resonator Games have finally surpassed their goal. With $30,603 raised, and a 574 heavy backer army, they are successful and still have until next Monday to go until the funding period is over.

Anew: The Distant Light is an open-world exploration title for the PC with plans to port to PS4, Xbox One, Linux, and Mac. The title consists of veteran industry developers who have titles such as, Bioshock, Borderlands, Uncharted, and more.

A new stretch goal of $35,000 will be bringing various features to the games development, such as research into the title running on the Nintendo Switch, expanded localisation, speed run features, an artifact room, boss rush modes, mini-games, multi-plane gameplay mechanics, a hardcore more, pilotable vehicles and extra bosses.

These features, if the stretch goal is reached, will join with the current features that allow players to explore a huge open world set in a dynamic world with creatures and secrets all over with a home ship with power ready to be unlocked. Weapons and equipment will be collectable, upgradeable, and there are a few vehicles and machines planned for controlling and helping aid you as you solve the mystery of your missing co-pilot.

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