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BOOT | Kova

Kova is a title about a mercenary-explorer on a quest to unravel the Fermi Paradox. Developed by Black Hive, the title is seeking out a $28,000 target over on Kickstarter with the crowdfunding coming to a close on April the 27th.

Having previously covered the announcement trailer, Kova is no stranger to us here at B3, and it has been successfully Greenlit on Steam after a amazing surge of “Yes” votes coming in at 3,939 yes votes.The developer, Black Hive are looking for a $28,000 goal and are currently as the time of writing this, at $2,000+ with 89 backers.

Kova is a side-scrolling RPG set in a metroidvania style that sees players taking on the role of Kova, a mercenary-explorer character who travels the galaxy in a wonderful, dark and gritty looking style to get a lead on a job. Her ships thruster is shot down and she lands upon a planet where she stumbles across a beacon. Once she activates it, beacon signals begin appearing all over and thus begins the mystery of finding out what these beacons are.

The story is rich in characters and each with their own types of personalities, races, and roles. Each one of them have their own story which from the sounds of it is going to inject a huge “living world” into the game. On top of that, there are three factions that run within the game, with your reputation with each one starting out neutral, then slowly shifting depending on how many missions you complete for each one. Each faction will have their own morals, and so naturally the player will no doubt choose the faction they agree with.

The controls for Kova seem to take a FPS style approach to aiming, basically allowing a freely moving crosshair to be targeted around the screen, and with quick changes to secondary and primary weapons while also ducking for cover, this certainly looks like it’s going to be action packed to the teeth. A digital pad will allow players to craft items that will be used for reloading weapons, battery recharge, health refills, and more that can be unlocked by completing missions, helping earn you “Suit Chips”

There are no stretch goals to show as of yet, but once the target of $28,000 has been reached, then they shall begin to unveil them. Kova is expected to be released for PC, Mac, and Linux.

You can view the Kickstarter page here.

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